WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BIZNESU I NAUK O ZDROWIU (WSBINOZ) is the first non-public higher education institution in central Poland that offers health-allied and medical-allied studies as well as business and pedagogy faculties. The world class school facility and an outstanding training atmosphere promoted by highly competent and most distinguished specialist, practitioners and academic teachers guarantee the unique and ambitious curriculum, theoretical knowledge and practical skills so desired in professional life. Young adults are taught how to take advantage of the acquired skills and knowledge as well as to keep on developing personal abilities and become professionally successful. At the current stage has more than 60-70 full-time employees and more than 200 academic teachers on contract. WSBINOZ conducts numerous researches and educational projects, cooperates with various educational, health care, sport-allied and business-allied institutions, remains locally and regionally active in the field of conference and workshops organization, social work and community elicitation. Prominent and well-qualified managers, determined students and academics guarantee its successful development and involvement in various thematic projects related to development of new ideas and services, curriculum building, preparation course syllabus, elaboration of materials and terminology for thematic courses and others. WSBINOZ’s educational science department offers a wide range of courses and activities including workshops and seminars related to entrepreneurship, management and marketing, interpersonal communication, shaping creative attitudes, creative problem-solving and coping with stress as well as healthy and active living, dietetics and sport activities. We teach how to work with children and their families, to provide professional help to children, youth and adults, especially those who suffer from family violence and poor social situation. Education we offer also covers: early school education, pedagogy and health promotion, social pedagogy in the context of social work, therapeutic pedagogy and physical rehabilitation, internal security and language courses. The authorities consider issues connected with university’s educational offer development as well as with scientific activities expansion as priority. It is essential to establish a suitable intellectual and material base to attract scientific, academic staff and young adults – future students. At the current stage of development, The University of Business and Health Science has a clearly specified activity areas at various departments and faculties. Several seminars have been created, numerous workshops and conferences covering different fields have been organized to attract local community, especially disadvantages groups as seniors 50+, unemployed or unqualified adults, youths from socially and economically disadvantaged areas, mothers on maternity leave who intend to remain active in the field of education, discriminated young adults, disabled persons, adults with educational difficulties, migrants. WSBINOZ plays an important role on local educational market in terms of organization of additional thematic courses for disadvantaged groups. Its intention is to cooperate with local, regional and national authorities in order to provide thematic workshops and seminars as well as to attract target groups. Since 2011 The University has successfully implemented over 40 European educational and research projects, both as a partner and as a coordinator. These initiatives covered subjects of family education, intergenerational education, healthy and active living, project management, creativeness and entrepreneurship, work with migrant kids and young adults, digital storytelling, justice, sport and many more.
Activities and experience in relevant areas
WSBINOZ will bring to the project its experience in correct project management and financial management, conducting researches, impact evaluation processes with reference to policies and educational projects, in cooperating with various education and health care institutions, in local and regional activity in the field of social work and community elicitation. At the present moment, it is partner of more than 15 projects in different fields. Staff of WSBINOZ possess required experience and knowledge enabling proper implementation of the project activities, achieving goals, valorisation and dissemination of the project outputs. Ewelina K. Goździk, certified, senior project manager, expert in the field of administrative and financial management of EU funded projects. Responsible for: establishment of and cooperation with project team, cooperation with University’s authorities, academic teachers, local authorities and medias, organization of thematic events, conduction of dissemination and evaluation activities. Education background: The University of Applied Science in Łódź, Clark University ,The Academy of International Studies. Przemysław Pirek, financial officer, responsible for cooperation with project manager and assistant to project manager, cooperation with coordinator of the project. Main responsibilities cover: management of cash flow, archiving of financial document, (invoice, payslips), preparation of financial report and statistics. Przemysław Pirek graduated from Łódź University (economy department). Aleksandra Mysiakowska, public relation manager, responsible for close cooperation with local, regional and national media, planning, developing and implementing PR strategies, coordination of media campaigns, presentation of the university on educational market, manage thematic events, write interesting and effective press releases. She has more than 10 years of experience working in the field of PR and marketing, speaks English fluently, degree in Polish Literature and Public Relations. Joanna Komorek, teacher, trainer, assistant to project manager responsible for organization activities related to project topics. Joanna has graduated with honours from Technical University of Lodz (environmental engineering) and Academy of Physical Education. She is also an active sports manager, coach and certified trainer working with children, youths and adults, including people with physical disabilities. Joanna has participated in several seminars, conferences both as a participant and a speaker. Aneta Orska, teacher, trainer, pedagogue, psychopedagogue (MA). Areas of interest: development of skills and competencies such as conflict resolution, methodology, team building, collaboration, team management, self-presentation, coping with stress, development of creativity and entrepreneurship; group of interest: youth, students of universities of various departments, teachers. Aneta has many years of experience in the field of educational projects and international cooperation. Teresa Janicka-Panek is a PhD with many years of pedagogical experience in the field of early education, education management, autism, vocational training and others (nearly 22 years of work, first as a methodical consultant, then a teacher and consultant); a university teacher; an author and co-author of many curriculums, guides and methodical materials; an author of books, scientific articles devoted to the silhouette of professional teachers and to the problems of learning and early childhood education; involved in European initiatives in field of social inclusion and special needs education. Wojciech Welskop is a PhD of social sciences, university teacher. He graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of University in Wroclaw. A member of The Polish Sociological Association and a member of The Polish Society for Social Policy. Areas of interest: sociology of education, sociology of social problems and social policy, leadership activities, globalization of education. Joanna Paul – Kańska - Joanna Paul-Kańska is a PhD with many years of experience in the field of psychology management, social communication, health promotion, vocational training and others; a university teacher; an author/co-author of many curriculums, guides and methodical materials. Joanna has graduated with honours from Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and University of Lodz, Faculty of Education, postgraduate studies – Prevention of addictions.