Çorum Provincial Directorate of National Education is the top management institution in the provinces under the Ministry of National Education. It is organized to plan, program, manage, supervise, improve and evaluate the duties of The Ministry of National Education in Çorum city and keeps its presence according to the Constitution, laws and other related procedures. The Directorate of National Education serves on management, personnel, education, budget, investment, statistics, investigate, guidance and strategy development. One of the main aims of directorate is the generation and sourcing of quality information required for critical decision-making by administrators,teachers,parents and other stakeholders and the development, implementation and maintenance of systems for the continuous assessment of student performance at all levels of the education system. There is a directorate of national education in each town related with the directorate of provincial national education. There is a guidance research center and art science center in city center, a public education center both in city center and towns and Vocational Training Centers in several towns in the city. There are 3107 students including 27 pre-primary education institutions and other main classes, 213 elementary school 35663 students, 156 secondary schools 31572 students, 106 high schools, 35953 students; 106295 students are educated in 529 schools. It is responsible for conducting all training activities in Çorum province and its districts, to determine the organization and duties of Provincial and District National Education Directorates established in order to plan, program, manage, supervise, develop and evaluate the duties of the Ministry of National Education at the provincial and district level and to regulate the principles and procedures for carrying out the services. Pre-school education is given in kindergartens, daycare homes, nursery classes in primary schools, and in private nurseries, all under the supervision of the our Directorate. The purpose of the primary education is to ensure that every child acquires the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits to become a good citizen, is raised in line with the national moral concepts and is prepared for life and for the next education level parallel to his/her interests and skills. Secondary Education covers general,vocational and technical high schools.Some of the secondary schools and the private secondary schools have foreign language preparatory classes. Vocational and technical high schools provide specialized instruction with the aim of training qualified personnel. Technical lycees include special formations such as electricity, electronics, machinery, motors, building, etc. The purpose of secondary education is to give students a minimum common culture, to identify individual and social problems, to search for solutions, to raise awareness in order to contribute to the socio-economic and cultural development of the country and to prepare the students for higher education, for life and for business in line with their interests and skills. In addition to normal high schools, there are also evening high schools usually operating in the same school building. These are designed to allow those who take up employment after middle school to continue their formal education. Our schools in Çorum are also welcoming and serving students from diverse nations. These students bring their unique individual cultures and backgrounds while bearing some of the challenges and stresses of the refugee experience. Moreover, we have 2 Special Needs Schools. These schools aim to train children with SENs in different vocational fields for possible jobs they might work in future besides academic education. Also, we have Special Education in the Schools. Children with SENs in regular schools are included as full day and half day students according to their individual needs.
ÇORUM Research and Development Unit in Provincial Directorate for National Education There is also Research and Development Unit in the Directorate, where 6 teachers/experts work and train all school employees about quality management, strategic planning, EU projects, nation and region wide project along with other topics related with education. The Researc&Development unit of Çorum Provincial Directorate of National Education provides trainings such as Strategic Plan preparation, EU Projects Preparation Seminar, Project Cycle Seminar and carries out eTwinning studies and workshops. The primary aims of this unit are: *to determine the problems and education needs of our schools; *to collect data about schools,students,teachers,eduactional needs and problems; *to prepare stratagic plans,to write and implement national and international projects. Moreover, the Unit works in: •Arranging intercultural educational workshops/meetings for high school students. •Organizing intercultural training and activities for trainees,teachers etc.both at local and international levels.
Activities and experience in relevant areas
Researc&Development unit of Çorum Provincial Directorate of National Education has run many regional projects to increase educational success. We have run Çorum's Quality of Education Project,The Mind Games Project, supported by OKA(Middle Black Sea Development Agency). The directorate also employed CLIL, TQM and STEM education, Web2.0.Maker Trainer Training through EU and national level supported projects. Moreover, one of the aspects we particularly take care of concerns intercultural relations, a set of skills that we consider essential for a civic coexistence within a multi-ethnic society and a positive inclusion in a globalized world of work that requires the capability to relate to people of different cultures, religions and sets of values. This project would be great opportunity for our directorate to share with our experience and acquire new skills how to solve abuse problems. Each staff in our instution plays a part in keeping children safe from harm and abuse. Creating a safe learning environment, identifying pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and then taking suitable action, are vital to ensuring children are safe at schools in the city. As a National Directorate of Çorum city, we believe that our experience in this area will give additional value to the all schools and to all involved staff. We have school procedures for checking on staff before they are allowed to work with children. Also, our directorate is trying to create a protection of child policy which includes procedures to be followed if a teacher or other member of staff is accused of harming a child. The Skills and Expertise of Key staff/persons: AYHAN GEYLANİ: He is the chief and project manager of research and development department. He has plenty of experience in formal education and developing of different educational programs. Since 2016, he is actively involved in development of new STEM curricula at The Ministry of National Education in Çorum. Fatih TOPHAN: He is the Provincial Deputy Director of National Education. Since last year, he has been trained to identify signs of abuse including what to do if someone else is worried about a child and also he has a Professional Master’s degree in dealing with child protection. Memduh Taha BAŞARAN: He is the supervisior of the unit. He graduated from the department of High School Math Teaching. In his master’s degree, he gave his thesis in the field of eternity of universe in cooperation with mathematics and philosophy. He continues his PhD in İslamic Philosophy at Hitit University. Also he continues his second undergraduate education at Kırıkkale University, Law Of Education. He has a book about Logical Concept of Infinity and Philosophical Analysis. After 11 years in teaching,he wanted to continue his career as a staff in r&d unit. Moreover, he has more than six years of experience in the field of career guidance and in life coaching. Melike DİBO: ERASMUS+ Project Manager and Coordinator from Çorum Provincial Directorate of National Education. She is also an English teacher and she worked as a teacher for 11 years and has been involved with European Union Projects since 2013, then she started to work in the Research and Development department in Çorum province. Her responsibility in the department is to make Erasmus + opportunities more widely known and available to citizens by the help of project’s mobilities. She was a Project Manager of international projects in the field of entrepreneurship, women rights, gender issues, youth, migrants, racism and xenophobia, equal opportunities and enviromental issues. Rabia DÖNDER: She is responsible for innovation and entrepreneurship related training. She has global experience in formal and non-formal education methods, corporate training,consulting and teaching. She attended New Approaches in Education Trainer Training Course, EU Project Preparation Techniques Course, Montessori Trainer and Career Planning Training, decision-making, conflict resolution, negotiation, communication, creativity, presentation and self-presentation courses. She has been developing a pilot Career Guidance Program with Coaching Techniques. Halil AYDIN: is passionate about graphics and web designs, specialized in using Adobe Products. Most of his work is based on designing the websites, making animation, editing photos etc. He was involved in creating and managing WordPress websites, creating and managing Google Adwords and Facebook campaigns. He currently works as a software developer and is working on the official social accounts of the Directorate. Sümeyra TOZLU: She is Responsible for Linguistics in the Department. In the last years she has concentrated in project management of local projects in different frames and strenghten local communities in raising awareness on topics like social capital and education. She also handles International Relations.