Hunedoara County School Inspectorate was founded in 1968, March 1st. The management of the institution is composed by: one general school inspector, two deputy general school inspectors, 22 school inspectors on different areas and subjects Its main objective is to monitor the proper functioning and organisation of the subordinated schools, according to the National Education policy. It is focused on accomplishing a county educational system based on equity, efficiency and relevance for life for every student, developing educational partnerships for improving professional skills and for increasing the access on labor market of the graduates, promotes European educational values and principles County school inspectorate Hunedoara is a decentralized public services of the Ministry of Education, with legal personality, having the following main responsibilities: - apply policy and strategies of the Ministry of Education, at the county level; - controls the application of legislation and monitors the quality of teaching and learning activities and compliance with national standards / performance indicators, through the school inspection; - controls, monitors and evaluates the quality of management of the education units and institutions; - ensure, together with local public administration authorities schooling of the pupils and monitor their school attendance during compulsory education; - coordinate high school admission assessments and national school competitions at the level of education in the county, respectively Bucharest; - monitor the implementation of national programs initiated by the Ministry of Education, on County area, as well as projects implemented by schools and related inside the European Union programs in education and youth; - mediate conflicts and disputes arising between local government and schools; - coordinates and controls activities of the related units of the Ministry of Education in the county area; - submit an annual report on the state of education in the county. This report is made public; - approves to the proposal of the local or county council the establishment of units for early childhood, primary and secondary education; - apply national educational policies at the county level; - provides advice and assistance to the school and educational institutions concerning the human resources management and teaching positions at the county level; - monitors activities of formation, of vacancy and occupancy teaching positions in schools; - manages the database of qualified teachers employed in schools and throughout the education database; - submit for approval to the Ministry of Education, from their proposed school network by local government authorities, in accordance with educational policy, strategic documents on economic and social development at regional, county and local levels, after consulting education units, economic operators and social partners; - performs periodic audit of the human resources in secondary education; - provides statistical data collection for the national system of education indicators; The mission of Hunedoara County School Inspectorate is to develop the young generations through education and the development of an education system built on values, skills and responsibilities. The institution coordinates the way in which the human and material resources, as well as the methodological ones are used.
Activities and experience in relevant areas
Hunedoara County School Inspectorate has successfully implemented another Erasmus+ partnership: "WE Play-WE Learn-WE Teach". Through this project, the aim was for teachers to improve the content and quality of the teaching act, to have a better perception of the personality of those they come in contact with, to learn and then to teach using attractive methods of education by using different games, as a teaching method in teaching various subjects. In addition, they developed their skills in using the digital and virtual environment as a way of communication and work. During the activities, interaction and communication techniques such as peer-learning, brain-storming, cooperative learning, acting practice, etc. were used. There were also sessions to present and debate the different games whose procedures were used as a teaching method. At this time educational system at the County level has 111 public school units: 7 kindergartens, 14 primary schools, 49 gymnasium schools, 33 secondary schools, 2 special needs schools, 2 sports schools, 4 extracurricular units. County school inspectorate coordinate the activity of 4500 teachers for 55750 pupils and students. The main competences of the county school inspectors as counselors, monitors, advisers for the management staff from the schools are to ensure that every school apply an proper educational offer and tools for developing life and professional skills for every student according nantional and european labour market. County school general inspector has over 25 years experience as a teacher in mainstream secondary level education. Before this responsibility, the general county inspector was deputy school inspector for management. He is directly involved and responsible of implementation of education policy in county. As general school inspector is also preoccupied to maintain a good cooperation with all stakeholders responsible with educational field from the local, regional, national and international level. County school inspectorate has also 2 deputy general school inspectors one for curriculum and school inspection department and the other one for management department. Both are directly subordinated to the general school inspector and to the Ministry of Education. They have over 25 years teaching experience in mainstream schools and their main responsibilities are to lead the school inspectors for curriculm to ensure that all the school units respect the quality of educational offer, the equity in education, the professionalism in theaching process, the periodical assesement and national exams for students, the annnual assesment for schools, the transparency in education. Also in this project are involved other inspectors wich are responsible with speciality and domains related with the project subject: - 1 school inspector for educational European projects who has the role to encourage and help the school teams for applying further on Erasmus+ projects on different topics according the subject of the project in terms of institutional needs; - 1 school inspector for permanent education who has he role to promote into schools activities related the acceptance of diversity, tolerance and fight against bullying; - 1 school inspector for VET who has the role to encourage VET schools to enlarge the way to adapt the teaching and training methods for students with dyslexia; - 1 school inspector for special needs education who is a key person that has the main role into make schools more conscious about dylsexia and their educational intervention for preventing and dealing with; - 1 school inspector for Romanian language as subject of National exams who has the role of organise and encourage Romanian language teachers from county schools to participate at training courses and seminars on the topics of identyfing and dealing in the classrooms with dyslexic student for adapting better the pedagogical way and ressources for better educational results, preventing also failure in education; - 1 school inspector for primary education who is responsible with primary schools, the place where it must have the early identyfing and intervention for students with dyslexia; - 3 school inspectors for management and developing of human resources; - 1 school inspector for management of schools. The contact person is the school inspector for educational European projects. For ensuring the good implementation of the project on the financial management county school inspectorate it will be need of the expertise of the chief account.