International Institute of Applied Psychology and Human Sciences is a cultural and scientific association located in Italy. Its goals are: 1. to promote scientific research in the field of psychology, also in cooperation with Scientific Entities and Organisations both public and private, national and international 2. to collect and elaborate data, to structure and implement psychological intervention and to disseminate information regarding applied psychology and human sciences 3. to divulge the methodology of scientific research, psychology and human sciences 4. to facilitate critical knowledge and learning of Applied Psychology 5. to promote and organize training courses, seminars, congresses, workshop, conferences about Applied Psychology and Human Sciences 6. to promote psychological knowledge in other professions, facilitating the multidisciplinarity 7. to manage and implement european projects In 2019 IIAPHS had more than 1000 associates and worked especially in the fields of 1. the organization and implementation Training Courses of Applied Psychology: IIAPHS implemented in Turin, Milan, Padua and Rome the following courses: Non Verbal Communication and Lie Detection. IIAPHS is involved also in free courses with free courses aimed to divulge Applied Psychology like "How to use mind to change" and "Persuasion", “Psychology of Emotions”. 2. the organization and implementation of International Conferences. We implemented 12 International Course of Criminal Psychology with participation of keynote speakers from Romania, USA, Italy, Ukraine, Cameroun and Poland, with more than 2500 participants. 3. the production of a book: "Mentimi" about lie detection techniques with the participation of experts from USA, Romania and Italy. 4. the participation at 14 EU-Projects Erasmus+KA2. The first called "Intelligence Profiling" led by Zivac Group Central, aimed to produce intellectual outputs for intelligence analysts, decision makers, HR professionals and other employees that manage key information of companies and governmental entities. In this project has been defined also a competency model for intelligence analysts and decision makers. and the second "A partnership for change" aimed to identify and reduce violent behavior. The target is very broad, involving border police, penitentiary police employees of correctional settings and psychologists. 5. In October 2019 we participated at the World Congress of the International Society of Criminology held in Doha, Qatar with a delegation of 12 people, presenting a poster about contrast to bullying and a lecture of behavioural analysis for the analysis of statements in trial (based on a homicide case). IIAPHS includes experts in psychology and social sciences: crime psychology work and organisational psychology, social psychology, psychometrics, criminal psychology, psychology of marketing, forensic psychology, cultural psychology. Our network include professionals from several EU countries. The vast majority of associates are learners, we believe that these characteristics will facilitate us in implement proper dissemination plan. Moreover, IIAPHS experts are fully available in sharing their network of contacts online through internet dissemination strategies involving website with a total result of 1 million views/year and 41000 subscribers at the newsletter. The International Institute of Applied Psychology and Human Sciences worked on KA1 and KA2 Erasmus+ Projects related directly and indirectly with the project: 1) “A partnership for change: reducing work related anger and violent emotions” led by the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs designed for preventing anger and stress in Law Enforcement (Border Police, Penitentiary Police) 2) “Intelligence Profiling” led by ZIVAC Group Central srl for the production of a model of competences for intelligence analyst 3) “EuRoPsychAssist” led by Ministry of Internal Affairs Romania about psychology of emergency for Law Enforcement 4) “Equilibrium by non violence” led by ZIVAC Group Central is a project for the prevention of violence and bullying in schools IIAPHS experts has specific expertise in the implementation of training courses, international conferences, work and organisational psychology interventions, creation and design of elearning platform, crime psychology.
Activities and experience in relevant areas
Igor Vaslav Vitale - Psychologist, IIAPHS President and International Trainer. He owns a Bachelor’s Degree in Work Psychological Sciences at Urbino University (110 cum laude), and Master’s Degree in Social, Work and Communication Psychology in Padova University (110 cum laude). He trained personally more than 5000 people in the field of Applied Psychology and Behavioral analysis. He worked as experts in 17 KA2 Projects developing competences in EU projects design, implementation and production of the intellectual outputs. Moreover he is expert in dissemination processes online (, 1 millions visualization/year, 41000 subscribers at the newsletter in the field of education, more than 33.000 on the "Psicologia" Facebook page). He has experience as external lecturer at LUMSA University, Rome (2016-2019) , Padova University "Facial Action Coding System in at Padova University (2016-today) at the Master of Sedation and Emergency in Dentistry, external lecturer at Tor Vergata University (2018-today) At “Protection against CBRNe events” post-degree Master. Expert in psychometrics, psychometrics training (having done more than 70 editions of a course about this topic), design and validation of psychometric tools. He worked in three EU Projects with Ministry of Internal Affairs Romania in the fields of personnel selection, psychology of emergency and stress and anger reduction for Law Enforcement personnel. Lucio Bonafiglia - Psychologist, Psychotherapist Clinical Sexologist, Family Mediator, former Contract Professor at Rome "La Sapienza" University, former Contract Professor at UPS University, Scientific Director of the Master Course in Criminology organized by Cenaf Centro Nazionale Alta Formazione, expert in with several publication and books in the field of prevention of sexual offenders and paedophilia. Concetta Grillo - Lawyer, Honorary Judge at Reggio Calabria Court, Concetta Grillo is graduated in Law at Rome "La Sapienza" University. She owns a post-degree Master in Criminology at Messina University. Coordinator of the Concetta Grillo is an international trainer with experience in Italy, Spain, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, divulging the experience in dealing with juvenile crimes. She cooperated with centers for the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and produced a documentary about the experience of disadvantaged youths in this field called: "Juvenile deviance and social reintegration resocialization treatment in Villa Antonia Community". Trainer in Criminology at EIRA Center of Messina the specialistic course in Criminologia for the years (2014-today) and editor of around 40 thesis about bullying, cyberbullying juvenile crime and rehabilitation. Her experience will be helpful especially in the production of the documentary and increasing knowledge of all legal issues related to risky behaviour among youngsters. Giulia Fenili – Degree in Psychological Techniques and Science at Pisa University, Internship at psychiatry department of Hospital Santa Chiara in Pisa. Staff member of Psia University in the year 2017 "1ST SYMPOSIUM / THE MINDSCIENCE OF REALITY" and Communication Managers for the implementation of courses an conferences for IIAPHS, Bachelor Thesis in the field of stress factors of people with Cushing Syndrome. Member of the International Course of Crime Psychology organized by IIAPHS. Aurelia Vasilica Nemesu - born in Latina, Italy, on the 26th, day of December, 1997. I completed my bachelor degree in November 2019 with a thesis entitled “Juvenile delinquency: a comparative analysis in Europe and in the United States”. I have a diploma in criminal psychology and criminology and, currently, I’m attending a master degree course in criminology and international security. I attended different curses in the field of criminology; moreover in October 2019 I attend the international congress in criminology held in Doha, Qatar. Iolanda Ippolito - Investigative Criminologist, responsible for a Judiciary Police Unit that deals with prevention and repression of crimes relating to gender-based violence and violence against minors. Expert in Investigation Techniques and Intervention Procedures in domestic violence, stalking, feminicide, bullying and baby gang. Specialized in Gender Policies and Equal Opportunities, Forensic Sciences, Security Policies, Human Rights, Work- Related Stress in the Law Enforcement, Child Criminology. University lecturer in Investigative Journalism and Victims of Violent Crimes. Author of the project ";Women and Justice", President of the associations “Forum Lex – Network of professionals” and “Akira”.